Many of you have heard of the"Empty Bowls" Soup Sale events across the nation. Hopefully you've had a chance to participate in this wonderful event that brings together potters, cooks and hungry patrons of the arts for the benefit of the less fortunate in our communities. Did you know that by simply purchasing a hand made bowl and homemade soup, you qualify as a patron of the arts? You thought only millionaires were patrons?? Support the arts, purchase from local artists. Be a responsible citizen, purchase that bowl at a local soup sale and all the profits go to the food bank. It's a win win win.
IUP hosted a sale yesterday, the community responded with many, many, many bowls donated by local potters. The best chefs in Indiana County brought their soup making talents to the table and the public lined up. In turn, they raised over $3000! Nice job, everyone!
IUP hosted a sale yesterday, the community responded with many, many, many bowls donated by local potters. The best chefs in Indiana County brought their soup making talents to the table and the public lined up. In turn, they raised over $3000! Nice job, everyone!

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