Hope to see you all there!
I've been invited to do a show at Boulevard Gallery in Verona in February. My colleague and fellow artist Bill Pazman will be exhibiting paintings and prints, as well. We've taught art for the past 13 years in the Deer Lakes School District. He teaches grades 6-8, and I put the final polish on them in 9-12 before we send them into the "real world." He and I taught together through a PAEA "Teachers as Artist in Residence Program" grant a few years ago. What a blast, and what a great person to work with. We had his 6th grade students make "Story Mugs" using red clay and slip to slab build mugs which incorporated images from their family histories.

Bill's images are pop oriented: Superman and Marilyn Monroe to name a few. Why isn't Bill billed on the announcement above??? Hmmm I don't have any images yet!!! Check back, I'll get some posted!
In getting ready for this show, I took advantage of this snow day (Though, not snowy enough to keep me home...went to the mall. Damn gift cards anyway.) It is amazing how much work gets done when I don't go back to bed. This day started at 6:30...and still isn't over. Finished glazing and loaded the kiln by 10, then did a little "retail therapy". It worked so well, I glazed more for the next load and threw 6 large sculptural pear bases. My idea for the show is to have these larger table pieces- yellow, green and red pears with heavy decoration as the centerpieces and surround them with the fruited functional ware. Lemons will be appearing again for this show along with a resurgence of pears. I've been having this love affair with the cherries for quite sometime, it's time to add the yellow back to the line up.
congrats on the show!